Rooms & Wine

Palmoletino Farm

Palmoletino Farm

The company and its origins

The Palmoletino agricultural company originated in 1988, the year that changed our lives and also the destiny of a small plot of land owned by a famous local person known by everyone by the nickname of Scarafone. It was fortuitous to learn that he intended to sell it, and it was only because of our innate passion for agriculture that we were able to move forward in exhausting negotiations. There were only a few rows of vines and a small tool shed, step by step the vineyard was born, the shed turned into a winery and our dream came true.

The winery is located in the municipality of Cinigiano, bordering the municipalities of Castel del Piano and Montalcino. The total surface area is 8 hectares, 2 of which are planted with vineyards. Part of the farm is a beautiful olive grove with over 200 trees, a mix of local varieties including Leccino, Frantoio, Moraiolo.

The typical Mediterranean climate is particularly favorable for viticulture, and the gentle breeze of this area is a very important factor for the health and gradual maintenance of the grapes. The soil is of medium texture with the presence of skeleton.

Palmoletino Farm

Our business philosophy

Our way of operating has always been centered in the perspective of wanting to enhance the territory where we live and the native grape varieties of Tuscany, while respecting the environment and traditions.
For this reason in the cultivation of vines we employ techniques with a low environmental impact, we try to minimize the use of pesticides by intervening only when there are valid reasons for harmful diseases to develop.
This is done with careful observation of weather factors and the use of special traps to catch insects that could cause harmful infestations.
The careful management of the vineyard and the use of only organic soil conditioners allow for a limited but high quality production that best expresses the characteristics of the terroir and the varieties grown: Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon

Palmoletino Farm

Our products